Spring 2019
Update on the Standings of the Winter Bowling League
The closest battle in years of the Winter Bowling League of Yonkers’ Racquet Club on Park Hill intensified in week 17, as the standings among the five teams tightened considerably. Jose Alvarez’s “Los Locos” retain their slim lead of three points, 54 to 51, over Paul Meissner’s surging “PBJs,” the defending champs. Hot on their heels are Robert Klein’s “Indians,” who have 47 points; Bill Dennison’s “Commodores,” with 44 points; and Jon Wallen’s “Brownies,” at 42 points. With six weeks of league play remaining, this year’s championship is still anyone’s to win.
Plaudits for personal individual high games thus far include: Jon Wallen, at 228; Robert Klein, at 221; Paul Meissner, at 216; super-sub Frank Petrilli, at 212; Susie Moscou and Steve Savard, at 211; Jose Alvarado, at 204; Paul Cassidy, at 202; Jennifer Ringstad, at 199; and Patty Gamba, at 197. Notable high personal individual scratch series include: Robert Klein, at 593; Paul Meissner, at 588; Jon Wallen, at 567; Frank Petrilli, at 553; Ed Schmid, at 529; Steve Savard, at 519; Jennifer Ringstad, at 516; Patty Gamba, at 515; Bill Dennison, at 514; and Paul Cassidy, at 506.
The Bowling Tournament
On two consecutive Fridays, February 22nd and March 1st, five teams of two players each from the Winter Bowling League took part in the recent middle-of-winter bowling tournament, an event usually held at the end of the bowling season. (This event is open to all club members each year.) This year the eight-game tournament was held mid-season because of scheduling difficulties. The winning team was John Twomey and Vic Mason. Ed Schmid and Steve Savard took second place by an eyelash (by a single pin, to be exact!) over Bill Dennison and Jon Wallen.
The Fun Bowling League
Paul Cassidy is again leading the six-week Winter Fun Bowling League and encourages anyone who loves bowling but isn’t in the Winter Bowling League to contact him about participating as a regular or a substitute. Paul’s email address is tojsemja89@yahoo.com.
In addition to bowling, a significant addition of winter physical activity at the club for the past several years has been pickleball, played in the great hall. Lyrica Leon introduced pickleball to the club several years ago, after playing it in Florida, where it is popular with retirees. We have since learned that its popularity has been spreading in public schools across the country. All those PHRC members who have played it, including many good tennis players, agree that pickleball provides a great cardiac workout, especially for chronic couch potatoes.
In recent weeks, Jim Beirne has led efforts to get people to play, both on week ends and now also on Thursday evenings. Watch out for announcements from Jim about when people plan to go to the club to play. Anyone – adults and children -- who hasn’t played pickleball before will discover how
quickly and easily this game is to pick up. They will also learn why the game has this amusing name. (Hint: It has nothing to do with pickles. ) All members and their guests are welcome!
The club’s Wellness Committee under Justine Henry has brought yoga classes with Berto back this winter on Wednesday evenings between 7:30 and 8:45 pm for a flat rate of $60 for four sessions. Walk-ins are charged $20 per session. All levels are welcome. Those who want to take part can email Justine at justinechelsea@hotmail.com. Participants should bring their mats and arrive a few minutes early to register and set up. Classes continue until March 18th.
On Saturday, March 30th, the club will organize its annual tennis party at the Yonkers Tennis Center for members and guests. Food will be provided by the organizing committee, led by Tennis Committee chair, Patty Gamba. Anyone interested in taking part should let Patty know soon, to facilitate planning for the event.
Also, Susie Moscou is looking for recruits for a new United States Tennis Association (USTA) mixed- doubles team for the club at the 6.5-7.0 level. Susie is also looking for someone who would be willing to act as co-captain with her on the team. Our club pro, Ola Roberts, will assist Susie with setting up the team and scheduling practices.
Meanwhile, the club’s respective MITL [Metropolitan Interclub Tennis League] and WCTL [Westchester County Tennis League] captains, Patty Gamba and Tom Westmoreland, are in the process of again forming their teams to take part in the summer competition against other tennis clubs in Westchester County. Ladies who want to participate in MITL play should let Patty know, and interested men should so inform Westy, at their earliest convenience.
Open House
Friday, March 22nd, will be the date of the first Open House of the season, to host guests who have expressed an interest in visiting the club and taking a tour.
Clean-Up Week End
No date has yet been set for the annual Clean-Up Week End. Watch for announcements. The annual club Governors’ Ball is scheduled for Saturday, April 27th.
Pancake Breakfast The annual club Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, May 5th.
Recent Enjoyable Events at the Club
Since our last newsletter in mid-January, the club has been socially very active with a wide range of enjoyable activities. First, many members assembled on Sunday, January 20th, to watch the two National Football League (NFL) conference championship games, as the Los Angeles Rams defeated the host New Orleans Saints, and then the New England Patriots beat the host Kansas City Chiefs.
On Saturday, January 26th, Tom Westmoreland and Patty Gamba again hosted the annual adult winter karaoke party, and over 50 members and guests showed up in the ballroom, still beautifully decorated from the holidays, either to take the mike on-stage or to sing along appreciatively from the audience. Singers chose favorite selections from various musical eras and in different musical styles, accompanied as ever on the tunes spun by the able Justine Faith of Nightstar D.J. and Karaoke Management.
On Sunday, February 3rd, Vinny D’Alessio hosted the always well-attended club Super Bowl party in the packed lounge. Members brought dishes to share at the pot-luck party, where they watched the Patriots win again, as they beat the Rams, 13-3, in the lowest-scoring NFL championship game ever.
The following Saturday, February 9th, Karin White organized another great chili-and-cheesecake party for the club. Four delicious chilis were brought by Susanne Savard, Adrienne D’Alessio, Matt Krawiec and Dave Steck. The excellent cheesecakes were made by Matilde Steck, Vinny D’Alessio, Sr. and Patty Gamba. Taylor Pierce made delicious berry compote to accompany the cheesecakes! Winners of the two contests were Adrienne for the chili and Vinny Sr. for the cheesecake – an all- D’Alessio sweep! Besides Matt’s delicious chili, he also made the outstanding rice for all the chilis and contributed a large dish of terrific guacamole.
A week later, Joe Harbeson hosted a Friday night Guest DJ evening on February 15th, playing selections from his vast collection of favorite pieces, and the club catered the meal that night from a fine local Chinese restaurant. Paul Meissner brought a bagful of enjoyable parlor games, which kept members and guests busily occupied all evening, when they weren’t eating, as they enjoyed Joe’s great music. Well into the evening, members and guests really didn’t want to go home because they were having such a good time – eating, sipping, listening and playing.
On Sunday, March 3rd, Kate Waters organized the tremendously successful first “Cupcake Wars” party for children ages 8 and up. (See photo.) The event was held in the ballroom, where the kids had plenty of room to spread out, interact and not worry about being a little messy. Justine Henry helped recruit 18 kids for the fun event, and professional chef Amy Brown Tucker acted as chief judge of the children’s culinary and design skills. A good time was had by all! It would be wonderful if such enjoyable events as this, for this age group, could be held at the club on a regular basis. Any and all ideas from parents for such activities are welcome.
Results of the Annual General Meeting
The PHRC Board held the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the ballroom on Wednesday, February 13th. A 3 percent increase in club dues was approved for the 2019-2020 fiscal year, to help keep up with rising costs on many fronts. Outgoing governors Patty Cecere and Josh Goodman were thanked for their service. Todd Geremia and Robert Buckner were unanimously approved as the new governors by the several dozen club members present.
Director Robert Moment listed major accomplishments of the club last year: (1) the creation of the attractive new club web site, with special thanks to former club President Dave Steck; (2) the introduction of the new point-of-sale (POS) system in the bar, with special thanks to Director Patty Gamba and Treasurer Matt Krawiec; (3) the attractive renovation of the downstairs men’s room, with special thanks to Governor Ardi Gashi; and (4) the refurbishment and repairs of the bowling alley lanes, with special thanks to Bowling League President Jon Wallen.
Former club President Jim Beirne announced that all four productions of the revived Park Hill Players over the past two years have been financially successful. Treasurer Matt Krawiec discussed the increased costs necessitating the rise in dues, such as a higher monthly rent, rising minimum wage costs for employees, and higher utility costs. And Realty Board President Paul Cecere explained the organizational relationship between the club and the Realty Board.
Member News
The club sends its sincere condolences to Paul and Patty Cecere on the recent passing of Paul’s father, Anthony Cecere, following a long illness.
The club is happy to hear that Frank (Scotty) McCambridge is making an excellent recovery from his recent knee replacement surgery.
We also wish Melanie Karmazin a speedy recovery. Melanie injured her calf playing pickleball several weeks ago. We hope she’s back in top shape in time for tennis season!
Vic Marino reports that the New Rochelle Opera has begun rehearsals for Giuseppe Verdi’s “La Traviata,” which will be performed on the dates of June 20th-23rd. Vic is a regular each year in that opera company’s casts and looks forward again to Park Hill members attending and bringing guests. Vic says the opera is looking for men (especially baritones) who like to sing (bass) in a chorus and who, if interested, should contact him soon, since the Wednesday evening rehearsals are getting under way shortly. Jim Beirne was a non-singing member of the cast of last year’s production. Vic welcomes expressions of interest in participating from PHRC members for either singing or non-singing roles.